Trade, conversion and refurbishing of warping machines

Trade in used machines has been an important business area for Thümling Textilmaschinen since the company’s founding days. Marcus Thümling has vast experience and maintains an extensive network. Thümling Textilmaschinen GmbH buys, sells, and acts as an agent. Used machines can be technically updated in Schwarzenbach on the customer’s request as well.

Our range of used machines includes knitting machines, warp knitting machines, raschel machines, warping machines, sectional warp beams.

To the general overview


Serial Nonos
Flange diameter14"
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Individual request

Thümling Textilmaschinen GmbH
Nordstraße 23 / 95131 Schwarzenbach am Wald / Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 9289 97113  |  Fax: +49 (0) 9289 97115  |  E-mail: